jeudi 7 juin 2007

HERBIE HANCOCK "Head hunters"

A must have classic album of Jazz-funk. Can't tell more, just listen... Released in 1974

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3 commentaires:

Jazzsoulman a dit…

It's a damn shame: So much great posts and most of the time o Commentaires. Incredible. But you can be sure: your work is much apreciated!!

monsieurwilly a dit…

Thanx man ! Very appreciated to see someone appreciate.
For the comments, you're right it's important, but here I try to make a music eduction not an education. Too much people think that a blog is a free open supermarket.

Anonyme a dit…

bon allez j essaie de laisser un commentaire.ça fait plusieurs fois que j essaie et que j'y arrive pas.beau boulot pour ce blog et merci encore!!pour les meters le meilleur c'est rejuvenation par contre....