mercredi 29 avril 2009


Excellent electro Rap tune and collectible.

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12 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

the b-side plz ?

Doctor Okeh a dit…

i've got the whole 12 of this if you need it, plz let me know

Anonyme a dit…

sure, put in on in *.wav plz

Doctor Okeh a dit…


Anonyme a dit…


Anonyme a dit…

Thank you so much for your FANTASTIC!! blog Willy! Much love :)

and thank you Drok!! sweet :)

Anonyme a dit…

Oh my god! I haven't heard this song in 23 years. I was only a kid when I heard the instrumental version of this track being played all the time on a mix show called "Saturday Night Fresh". The DJ was called The Boogie, and the station was out of Saginaw, Michigan (USA). I never found out who did that song, the title, nothing. Thank you soooo much!!! For the last 30-45 minutes, I've found myself downloading and listening to song after song--I'm being introduced to a whole new world of music that I never knew existed!

monsieurwilly a dit…

Yo Kevin ! Enjoy !!!

Anonyme a dit…

monsieurwilly Thanks A Million. I have the same kind of story as Kevin. Except I was in Raleigh NC listening to The Magic 88 WKNC.

Thank you again.

Anonyme a dit…

pls pls refresh this stuff omg!!

Scez a dit…

Merci pour le re-upload, c'est cool. :-)

Unknown a dit…

thanx for the luv people.....i haven't heard this in ages...and i recorded it .....much luv...
"mellow Dee"