mercredi 16 octobre 2013

Le Mix Superclasse disco set !

Le Mix Superclasse - Pink Disco Set

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

track list would be good me old cock.
please re up tara schaft (black diamond lp) - new york city dream.
it's quite rare if you dont have it no probs,thanks for the great tuneage.


monsieurwilly a dit…

Willie Bobo "Always there"
Gap Band "Baby baba boogie" willy edit
Michael Jackson "PYT" willy edit
The Clash"Rock the casbah" willy edit
Easy "Project funk"
Azoto "San Salvador"
Bohannon "Let's start the dance"
Chicago "Street player" willy edit
Gipsy Kings "Solo por ti"
Space "Tango in space"
Macho "I'm a man"
Sylvester "You make me feel"
Diana Ross "Love Hangover"